Choose to Volunteer with Neighbor to Neighbor Voter Outreach if…

… you’re for campaign finance reform

People-powered, volunteer-driven, voter outreach saves money for campaigns. We use a consolidated information sheet about our candidates and our volunteers can talk about or research any questions the voter may have. Instead of 5 campaigns printing 5 separate sets of literature and each one needing volunteers to go around and deliver, N2N Voter Outreach volunteers carry the literature for all of them. And they are hand-delivered so it is far more likely that the voter will read and reference the information.

… you think that trust is missing from our news and information sources

Building a relationship with our neighbors, sharing information, and being available to them for questions about elections is the best way to build trust. We are far more likely to trust a person who shares our common, local interest than a solicitation from a stranger.

… you are tired of multiple calls or mailers from impersonal campaign sources

In N2N Voter Outreach, we visit once, maybe twice during the year with voters we have come to know. We give them all the information they need to be informed and ready to participate. No need for robocalls or dozens of campaign calls.

… you believe in local and sustainable practices

N2N Voter Outreach is all about building community through civic engagement in our own neighborhoods. People living in closer proximity often have similar concerns and goals for their region. Visiting your neighbors can help build your immediate community and make it stronger and more resilient. We learn about things our neighbors are doing and we can network together for improvement in our communities.

… you care about the climate crisis

In N2N Voter Outreach, volunteers drive only as far as is needed to reach people who live in their own Election District. In many cases, voter turfs can be walked. Anytime we reduce car time, we help the environment.

… civics is something that you believe can be fun, informative, exciting, and community-building

The relational canvassing we do in N2N Voter Outreach will be very fulfilling for you. And if you want to bring American voters back into the Constitutional Family we were all blessed to be able to enjoy, then please volunteer to visit with your neighbors and be part of the solution in our unique and precious Democracy.